Nightingale Comes Home Advisory Board Meeting, from left to right; Paul Crawford, Susan Hogan, Brian Brown, Anna Greenwood, Chris Wrigley, Richard Bates, Frances Cadd, Jonathan Memel, Mathilde Vialard, Hayley Cotterill
Meet the Team
Professor Paul Crawford
Principal Investigator

Paul is Profesor of Health Humanities at the School of Health Sciences. He has led a number of other AHRC-funded projects prior to this one. He has published books, chapters, and articles on literature, language and history in relation to healthcare. He is also a registered nurse.
Paul founded the new, global, and rapidly developing field of Health Humanities, through which he researches applications of the arts and humanities that inform and transform healthcare, health, and wellbeing.
His books include Communicating Care (1998), Politics and History in William Golding (2003), Evidence Based Research (2003), Storytelling in Therapy (2004), Evidence Based Health Communication (2006), Communication in Clinical Settings (2006), Madness in Post-1945 British and American Fiction (2010), Health Humanities (2015), Humiliation: Mental Health and Public Shame (2019), The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities (2020) and Florence Nightingale at Home (Forthcoming, 2020). He is editor for both the Arts for Health series (Emerald) and Routledge Literature and Health Humanities series (Routledge) and Editor-in-Chief for The Encyclopedia of Health Humanities (forthcoming, 2022).
Dr Anna Greenwood
Anna is Associate Professor in the Department of History. As a historian of colonial medicine, this project allows her to examine the way local history feeds into international projects and ideas. Anna is also co-director (with Paul) of Health Humanities at Nottingham.
Anna's first book, Practising Colonial Medicine (2007), looked at European Doctors working in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Her second book, Indian Doctors in Kenya: The Forgotten Story, 1895-1940 (2015, paperback 2017), focused on the careers of private and governmental Indian doctors in Kenya. Anna has recently moved her medical historical interests to archives closer to home: as well as her work on Nightingale, she is researching the colonial history of the famous local chemists Boots.
Dr Richard Bates
Research Fellow
Richard is a Research Fellow in the Department of History. Richard's research focuses on how ideas influence social change and in particular on the relationships between individual figures, social formations and political power. He has a particular interest in women in medicine.
Richard's research for this project builds on his PhD research, a critical historical biography of French child psychoanalyst and doctor Françoise Dolto (1908-88), completed in 2017, which used the life and ideas of Dolto as a prism through which to approach the history of psychology and the family in 20th-century France.
Richard has previously worked on a MOOC on 'Propaganda and Ideology in Everyday Life' and on the Southwell & Nottingham Church History Project.
Dr Jonathan Memel
Research Fellow
Jonathan is a Research Fellow in the School of Health Sciences. With a background in Victorian literature, he is conducting textual analysis of Nightingale's writing, family correspondence and depiction in the press.
Jonathan’s research focuses on the regional context of nineteenth-century writing. He is interested in how Victorian texts (literary, on education and health) were influenced by new understandings and experiences of place. His National Trust/Great Western Research-funded PhD, awarded at the University of Exeter in 2016, drew on Thomas Hardy’s writing to show how Victorian education transformed regional, gender, and class identities. Jonathan has previously worked on COVE as a Research Assistant and led Hardy and Clothing as an AHRC-funded Cultural Engagement Fellow. His articles have been published in Neo-Victorian Studies and Hardy Review, with reviews in Modern Language Review and History of Education.
Hayley Cotterill
Senior Archivist (Academic and Public Engagement)
Hayley is based in
Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham, where she leads the Academic and Public Engagement Team. In this role, she connects the University's collections to teaching, research and public engagement, and supports digitisation and exhibitions. On the Nightingale Comes Home for 2020 project she acts as a consultant to the team on archival matters. She will be curating the 'Nightingale Comes Home' exhibition to be held at the Weston Gallery, Lakeside Arts Centre, in 2020.
Frances Cadd
Doctoral Researcher
Frances is a PhD student in the Department of History with an interest in twentieth-century nursing. Her thesis examines the life of nurse and political activist Avis Hutt (1917-2010), exploring the links between her professional nursing career and personal engagement with political organisations and the women’s movement throughout the twentieth century.
Frances completed a BA in History and Hispanic Studies (2013-2017) and an MA in Modern British Studies (2017-2018), both at the University of Birmingham. She is particularly interested in the international women’s movement and British nurses’ trade union and political party activism in the 1920s and 1930s.
Mathilde Vialard
Doctoral Researcher
Mathilde is a PhD student in the School of Health Sciences with an interest in Victorian literature. Her thesis examines representations of mental illness, focusing on the impact of enclosed domestic spaces on the minds of Victorian people.
Mathilde has a background in English and French literature and graduated from a Joint Masters Degree in English and American studies at the Université Paris Diderot in 2015.
Steering Group Members
John Rivers CBE, Chairman, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust; Chair, Florence Nightingale Derbyshire Association.
Peter Kay, owner of Lea Hurst.
Brian Brown, Professor of Health Communication, De Montfort University.
Susan Hogan, Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Derby.
Chris Wrigley, Emeritus Professor of Modern History, University of Nottingham.
Anne-Marie Rafferty, CBE, FRCN, Professor of Nursing Policy, previously Dean of the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery, King’s College London.